Author: msleman

  • Our Interview on during PhotoPlus Expo 2012

  • Release Notes v1.4.1 for Windows – New Layouts

    Overhauled our layout engine, we’ll now be able to add new layouts much faster and are contemplating allowing our users to make up their own. As part of this work, we’re releasing a minor update to add two new layouts for Windows users. And yes, we’ll be adding these to our Mac version very soon. […]

  • Starting your photo booth with a button

    We’ve had several people ask about how to setup their photo booths so guests can start the sequence of taking pictures with a button. The best option we’ve found is to use the Griffin Powermate. It’s a usb button that works with PCs and Macs. In our testing, it looks great, is easy to setup […]

  • Release Notes – v1.4.0.0 for Windows – Windows 8 Support

    We have had several people ask whether dslrBooth works on Windows 8 or not and we actually weren’t sure of the answer. We’ve been doing some testing and have made a few tweaks and the latest version is now fully compatible with Windows 8 with one minor caveat. Windows 8 has a new feature called […]

  • Release Notes – v1.3.0.2 for Windows

    We’ve improved setting printer settings by adding a new menu item for Print Settings. You can now easily and quickly pick printer, paper size, orientation instead of having to go to the control panel to do this. Also, dslrBooth no longer overwrites your chosen paper size. This is useful for those that are using commercial […]

  • Release Notes – v1.0.243 for Mac

    New Features Add large start button for automatic shutter (timer) setups. Add large countdown before taking pictures so your guests can easily know when picture will be taken. Rename “archive” directory to “originals” so it’s more obvious where original pictures go. Bug Fixes Fix memory leak issue when shooting JPG images of larger sizes.

  • Release Notes – v1.3.0.0 for Windows

    Add Big button to start session Large countdown before each image is taken Don’t auto-select a paper size if printer is already set to print on a 4×6 paper size. Useful for those selecting custom print sizes to get 4×6 prints cut in half  on printers such as: mistubishi, dnp, and hiti. Yes/No for preferences […]

  • Windows & Mac 1.0.18 Updates

    Windows Major improvements to image processing engine. You get even higher quality prints and much faster processing of images. Great for those running dslrBooth on a Netbook or very low end hardware. To update, simply restart dslrBooth. Mac 1.0.18 Hide camera dropdown on full screen to clean up full screen display. Show warning when […]

  • Release Notes – v1.2.0.0 – Fully Unattended Photo Booth and Trigger from your PC

    New Feature Based on popular feedback, we’ve added a much requested feature of allowing dslrBooth to trigger the camera so you don’t have to click the shutter to take every picture. This should help folks who want to run a truly unattended photo booth. All you have to do is click the space bar once […]

  • Release Notes –

    Minor update to address the following issues: Full support for capturing images from Nikon and Canon cameras on Windows XP without the need for any 3rd party software. Yes, Windows XP, many people have old laptops running XP, if you’re one of them, you’re in luck. Put that pc to good use in your booth. […]