dslrBooth for Windows v5.28

Booth Copilot

Introducing Booth Copilot, a mobile app that allows you to control your booth from anywhere while connected to internet. View session info, shares, event status as well as start sessions and print.

Booth Copilot is available both on Android and Apple devices through Google Play Store and Apple App store. To get started, download the latest dslrBooth Update then go to Tools, Booth Copilot.

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone XS Max - 2019-05-02 at 12.43.09 Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone XS Max - 2019-05-02 at 12.43.18 Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone XS Max - 2019-05-02 at 12.34.59


Square GIFs and Boomerangs

Create square GIFs or boomerangs, perfect for Instagram posts. Go to Settings > GIF and choose the Square 720×720 option.

Square gif option

Boomerang Speed

Allow boomerang speed to be faster (down to 25ms).

Video Session Start Trigger

When you start video sessions, the session_start video trigger will be called. This is useful for integration with 3rd party automation applications.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for dark screen when using digital props.
  • Fix for GIFs not uploading to Facebook page when using print + GIF sessions.


  • Fix for app not starting when Windows had corrupt performance counters.


  • Fix for app not closing properly.
  • Fix for wrong event opening when dslrBooth is opened rather than the last opened event.


  • Fix for print + gif session showing GIF first instead of print on sharing screen.


  • Fix for print + gif session printing two copies instead of one for automatic printing.



