LumaBooth 4.1 – Vertical Videos & Full Mac Support

Support for Vertical Videos

Enhanced support for external cameras by adding a setting to adjust camera orientation for GIF, Boomerang, and Video sessions, ensuring appropriate orientation for both live view and final videos. Settings, Camera Settings, Camera Rotation. We recommend that your iPad, iPhone, or Screen is also in the same orientation.

Support Macs with Apple Silicon & Intel CPUs

Added full support to Mac models with Apple Silicon & Intel CPUs running MacOS 14 or greater. We highly recommend that users who can have or can install MacOS switch from dslrBooth for Mac to LumaBooth. dslrBooth for Mac is now a legacy application and will not receive any future updates. LumaBooth offers many more features and is compatible with many more cameras.

Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes

iPad 9 Front Camera Resolution and Zoom Issue – Increased image resolution from the front camera of the iPad Gen 9 and resolved an issue where the captured photo can sometimes be zoomed in.

Print Button Issue – Fixed an issue where the print button would become unresponsive.

Change Printer Button Does Not Open Selection Box – Resolved an issue where users could not select a different printer when the connected AirPrint device was unavailable.

Error with Shooting RAW Only – Implemented a check to show a correct error message if a user is shooting in RAW only mode, advising to switch to JPG.

Boomerang Recording Icon – The recording icon on iPhones is now 50% smaller, repositioned to the bottom of the screen, and features only an outer ring, eliminating the solid fill.

Live View Stretched for AI Background Removal Option – Resolved stretching in live view when no background is selected by resizing the default background to the recommended size.

Number of Devices Watermark – Fixed an issue where the watermark persisted on the screen after managing subscription and device changes.

Fix for Frozen Video During Recording on DSLR Cameras – Fixed an issue where the live view froze during video recording on specific older Canon DSLR models.

WhatsApp Sharing Incomplete Message Issue – Addressed an issue where WhatsApp sharing did not include the full message and link as intended when using some special characters.

App Crashes When Picking a Color for Green Screen Background Removal – Fixed a crash related to color selection in green screen settings on Macs with Apple M1 Pro CPUs.

DSLR Camera Pictures Not Always Included in Final Print Image – Addressed an issue where photos were not consistently included in the final print output when shooting with dual memory cards at the same time.

Effects – Guest Choice – Last Effect Applied to Welcome Screen – Resolved an issue where the last selected effect persisted on the welcome screen instead of resetting.

Processing Issues when Device is Rotated or Audio Played – Fix for processing issues when iPad is rotated in the middle of a session or when the audio is interrupted by another app.

Fix crash when using LumaShare with LumaBooth in non-English 24 hour format – Fix for LumaBooth crashing when used with LumaShare and LumaBooth device Regional setting is set to non-English 24 hour date format.

How to Install or Update

Both new and existing customers can download the latest version from the Apple App Store.

New to LumaBooth, try out our FREE trial.

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