LumaBooth v2.7 – Square GIFs and Boomerangs

Square GIFs and Boomerangs

You can now capture square GIFs and Boomerangs (Settings, Capture, Gif/Boomerang, Rectangle/Square). During the countdown preview, guests will see a square preview so they know how to position themselves.

square crop

Crop liveview to match photo placeholder size

During the countdown preview, guests will now see a  black overlay over parts of the photo that will not be used in the template so they know how to position themselves.

live view crop


Bug Fixes & Tweaks

This update also:

  • Sorts events in event list by date created.
  • Fixes UI issues with iPad OS (iOS 13).
  • Fixes import template issues in iOS 13.
  • Fixes boomerang crashes on some iPads.
  • Fix multiple prints when using DNP WPS Pro.
  • Supports the latest LumaShare version.
  • Has a redesigned user interface for choosing a green screen background which now appears after the session type is chosen by the guest.




