Author: msleman
hashPrinter v2.6 Released
Returns higher resolution Instagram Photo. Fixes rare instagram login issues for Mac users. Non-square photos are fetched without cropping. Compatibility with instagram’s latest changes. Update by going to Help, Check for Updates (Windows), or hashPrinter, Check for Updates (Mac).
dslrBooth for Windows v5.5.31
New Features: Cancel session button has been replaced with retake button which will only cancel and start the timer to retake the previous photo and not the entire session. In template editor, order of layers can be changed by by dragging and dropping. Additional options for customizing e-mail body including ability to reference attachment directly, ability […]
hashPrinter for Windows v2.5
Update for downloading from instagram. Ignore swipes from edges of screen on windows 8 and windows 10 when app is in full screen. Hidden layer will no longer appear on the print. Fix for stroke color not working on main photo.
dslrBooth for Windows v5.5.16.1
This is an update addressing performance issues faced by users who use dslrBooth with no internet connection. After 1.5 – 3 hours, application would lag with v5.4 release. This issue has been addressed with this update. Update also fixes issue where dslrBooth was not properly shut down on some Windows 10 machines and in that […]
dslrBooth for Mac v2.2
Set print limits per session and per event under Preferences, Print. Quick selection for number of prints after pressing the Print button. Max number of prints can be set under Preferences, Print, Max Prints Per Session. Support Canon EOS-1D X Mark II, EOS 80D, and EOS 1300D. Fix for drag and drop on OS X […]
dslrBooth for Windows v5.4.30
Updates included in this release: Allow sorting of green screen backgrounds by dragging and dropping from Green Screen window. App will now remember the last used green screen and default to it for a new session. Add button to print a test copy from the template editor. Add additional placeholder fields to be used in HTML […]
dslrBooth for Mac v2.1
New Features: Support for webcams. Add QR Code to Print. Reset Sharing Stats under Settings, General. Keyboard Shortcuts: Start session: left arrow, right arrow, FN+F5 (F5), FN+up arrow (page up), FN+down arrow (page down). Cancel session: Escape. Print: Ctrl-P. Print multiple copies (Ctrl+ <1 to 9>). Optional Virtual Keyboard for use with touch screens. Improved capture […]
dslrBooth for Windows v5.2.29
dslrBooth now supports the majority of Sony cameras over wifi. Review our support site for a full list of supported camera as well as instructions on howto use with dslrBooth. Other updates with this release: Bug fix for displaying the browse previous prints button when using multiple templates. Prevent displaying of windows 10 charms bar and other […]
hashPrinter 2.0 – Twitter hashtag printing
hashPrinter now searches twitter as well as instagram for hashtags. You can use either service or both at the same time. This allows your guests the flexibility to use the social media service they prefer. Download the update by restarting hashPrinter. Don’t have hashPrinter, download a FREE trial now.
dslrBooth for Windows 5.1.31
New Features: Ability to have guest choose a template. You can now favorite multiple templates under template editor which guests can choose from. You can turn this option on under Settings, Display, Template. App will auto-rotate your final image so it prints properly so you don’t need to manually set the page orientation under print […]